
Detentionisasurvivalhorrorgamesetin1960sTaiwanundermartiallaw.IncorporatedreligiouselementsbasedinTaiwanese/Chinesecultureandmythology, ...,DetentionisahorroradventurevideogamecreatedanddevelopedbyTaiwanesegamedeveloperRedCandleGamesforSteam.Itisa2Datmospherichorror ...,[AboutDetention]DetentionisanuniqueatmospherichorrorgameheavilyinfluencedbyTaiwanese/EastAsianculture(TaoismandBuddhismrefere...


Detention is a survival horror game set in 1960s Taiwan under martial law. Incorporated religious elements based in Taiwanese/Chinese culture and mythology, ...

Detention (video game)

Detention is a horror adventure video game created and developed by Taiwanese game developer Red Candle Games for Steam. It is a 2D atmospheric horror ...


[ About Detention ] Detention is an unique atmospheric horror game heavily influenced by Taiwanese/East Asian culture (Taoism and Buddhism references) based ...


Features · Story-driven atmospheric horror game. · Unique Taiwanese/Eastern cultural references. · Over 40 minutes of OST, fusing Electronic, Lo-Fi, and Rock ...

Detention on Steam

Detention is an atmospheric horror game set in 1960s Taiwan under martial law. Incorporated religious elements based in Taiwanese/Chinese culture and ...

Gamepedia - Detention Wiki

Detention is a side-scrolling point-and-click horror game set in 1960s Taiwan under martial law. Students Wei Chung Ting and Fang Ray Shin find themselves ...

在App Store 上的「Detention」

[ About Detention ]. Detention is an unique atmospheric horror game heavily influenced by Taiwanese/East Asian culture (Taoism and Buddhism references) based ...